Richard Webber, The Daily Express UK, 30th January 2010
It is just a speck on the world map, a small corner of the globe that is 1,200 miles off the west coast of Africa but remains forever and unmistakably British. The last time St. Helena made headlines was when Napoleon Bonaparte died there in 1821.
But now despite deep-rooted loyalty to all things British, the island’s 4,000-strong population feels betrayed by the mother country. And the reason for their anger is Whitehall’s suspension of plans for a long-promised and much-needed airport for the island. The decision has been caused by the recession, the airport evidently seen as an easy overseas spending commitment to cut.
Now the islanders are warning that the postponed air link could sound the death knell for a community that has been under British rule for more than 500 years and is our second-oldest colony after Bermuda.
And already the population is starting to dwindle alarmingly, particularly among the younger age group. St. Helena’s inhabitants warn that 85 per cent of those aged between 25 and 45 have left during the past 10 years.
“Demographically, St. Helena is a ticking time bomb,” says resident Joe Terry. “The average age of the population is accelerating far quicker than it would in a normal community and this is combined with a chronic shortage of working-age people to care for the increasing number of the elderly.”
Islander John Styles adds: “St. Helena is in danger of becoming an expensive, isolated old people’s home funded by the British taxpayer.”
Currently this tiny outpost’s only lifeline is the RMS St. Helena, the last working Royal Mail ship. Two hundred years ago the island was a busy staging post with more than 1,000 ships dropping anchor annually; now this is the only regular visitor.
The 20-year-old workhorse provides the only means of reaching St. Helena from the UK, often battling rough seas to reach the 47-square-mile rocky outcrop. It travels twice a year from Portland, Devon, and the trip takes around 15 days.
It was originally due to be pensioned off this year but plans to replace its two engines will prolong its life. It isn’t immune to the odd breakdown, leading to delays in the island receiving supplies. In the Nineties the ship broke down en route from England full of Christmas goodies. When it finally docked, shops were desperately trying to sell Christmas puddings and mince pies in April.
As well as delivering letters from loved ones and essential provisions around the world it ferries in 1,000 tourists who provide valuable income to the community, as do the approximately 3,000 cruise-ship passengers who stop off for a few hours.
Many come to see Longwood House, where Napoleon lived out his final six years after defeat at Waterloo, and his burial place for 19 years until his body was returned to France.
The main reason the islanders are so keen on the airport was the expected tenfold increase in visitors, pumping an extra £10million annually into the local economy.
“In 2005 the UK government stated that it would fund the design, construction and initial operation of an airport, to open in 2010,” says John Turner, 51, who swapped Hertfordshire for St. Helena in 2005 with his two children and wife Catherine, 48, to manage the island’s only bank.
The islanders want to stand on their own feet, says Catherine, but with the airport project suspended she adds: “The British taxpayer can now look forward to paying £30million a year to St. Helena indefinitely.”
John Styles, 61, an islander since 2000 who runs his own farm and wine business with wife Lynnette, 57, says: “Britain still pours millions in to other countries, even China - one of the largest economies in the world - yet doesn’t seem to care about supporting its own people any more.”
Joe Terry, 61, who lives on St. Helena with his 52-year-old wife Daisy, says: “Decisions are being made on a short-term basis by faraway British bureaucrats who are mostly not qualified to run a barbecue, let alone an island with its own particular strengths, potential and weaknesses.”
Nearly 20 per cent of the population has left the island’s rocky shores in the past decade and businesses, many launched on the promise of an airport, are closing their doors for good. It is estimated that around £19million has been lost because of the airport saga.
Darrin and Sharon Henry are packing their bags for a second time and moving to London to open a photo studio. They lived in Hertfordshire for four years until returning to their homeland in 2004, when talk of an airport meant the future looked rosy.
Having sold their card and gift shop, they’re sad to be leaving their families again. But Darrin, 39, says: “Since the airport project was paused, business died overnight. Throughout 2009 the island began to decline again, making business very hard but the community is suffering socially too.” The Henrys worry about their homeland, where the average manual wage is around £70 a week. “The island will survive on handouts from the British Government but it will be a degrading and meagre existence,” claims Sharon, 35. “Already we are importing expats to fill jobs such as nursing and policing, due to so many people having left.”
For years many of the island’s breadwinners have been forced to work abroad, sending money back to their families left behind.
“The social impact of this, such as children being raised by grand- parents because their parents are overseas, are well documented,” says John Turner. “Go into any school and there will be a map on the wall where children have put pins to indicate where their parents are. It’s rare for a child to have both parents here. Many have neither; the airport would have resolved that.”
The island is so remote that patients requiring major treatment or operations have to sail to Cape Town in South Africa, seven days away. But if the RMS St. Helena has just sailed, it can be eight weeks before the patient can leave. “Even the most virulent anti- airport opponents would welcome air links for medical evacuation reasons. A flight to South Africa would take only four hours,” says Joe Terry.
St. Helena’s stunning landscape of high cliffs, rugged mountains and deep-wooded valleys are a tourist heaven. The island’s only prison currently houses just two inmates, while the crime rate hardly overruns the 26-strong police force.
The police report for last week, for instance, published in the weekly newspaper, revealed a total of 16 incidents including two arrests for being drunk in public places, a verbal warning for a breach of the peace and three people failing to comply with road traffic signs.
St. Helena is a world apart. There are no cinemas, theatres, mobile phones, amusement arcades, multi-storey car parks, traffic lights or fast food restaurants.
“The horrors you get elsewhere in the world don’t exist here,” explains Catherine Turner. “No child has ever been snatched or murdered, there aren’t any hard drugs and road accidents are infrequent because the national speed limit is 30mph - as low as 10 in places.”
More than a third of the working population are employed by local government, while the rest are fishermen, farmers and shopkeepers.
After the hectic pace of life in England, it took time for the Turners to adjust to island life. No one rushes in St. Helena, partly because of the weather. Thanks to its temperate climate, temperatures rarely drop below 10C or above 30C.
“Usually it’s too hot to rush, and being a small island it doesn’t take long to reach anywhere. Besides, you can only drive with one hand on the wheel because it’s custom to wave at every driver you pass,” smiles Catherine.
In the small capital Jamestown, brand new 4x4s share the roads with ageing Austin Maxis, Ford Cortinas and even Zephyrs.
Yet even now with the local economy struggling, wages low and many of the younger population forced off the island in pursuit of work, the advantages of life on St. Helena make up for its current plight say many residents.
Joe Terry says: “Where else can children play safely on their own, and people walk the streets 24 hours a day without fear? We may not have an airport but there’s no road rage, dangerous dogs, racial tension - the list goes on.”
John Turner agrees. “Despite having been kicked in the teeth again, the islanders remain mostly cheerful, albeit in a stoic sort of way, and are always friendly and helpful to each other,” he says. “There are so many things we like about living here; the airport would make many things better but we came here before the airport was announced.”
From the ‘have your say’ section . . .
"The decision taken by HM Govt to "pause" the project was totally irrational in that it flew in the face of all the economic modelling and feasibility studies that DFID themselves had commissioned. Even when the further period of public consultation was announced DFID recognised in the Consultation Document that their own preferred option, to delay making a decision for up to 5 years, was not the most economically viable solution, but again they pressed on with even further extensions to the delay. To say that the project was paused in Dec 2008 because of the "current economic climate", whilst openly showing on their website that they granted £118.4M to the world’s second largest economy is simply a further insult to the British people who are suffering as a direct result of their incompetence...!" (Posted by: RobMidwinter 30.01.10, 3:18pm)
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